Die getrockneten, oberirdischen Teile: 50-100cm lang, zur Gänze weiß-samtig behaart. Der untere Teil des Stengels ist zylindrisch, 4-6 mm im Querschnitt und rötlich braun gefärbt. Der obere Teil ist quadratisch zylindrisch, grün braun.
Leichtes spezifisches Gewicht; harte Konsistenz, leicht brechbar, innen hohl. Unpaarig gefiederte Blätter, dunkelgrün gefärbt und runzelig eingerollt; spröde Konsistenz, leicht brechbar.
Schwacher Geruch, schwach bitterer Geschmack.
Agrimonia, Hb. - Odermennig - XIAN HE CAO
Dosis: 9-15g/Tag
- Östrogenmangel
Estrogen-like activity of aqueous extract from Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. in MCF-7 cells
These results suggest A. pilosa can be used to improve estrogen deficiency-related menopausal symptoms or to treat diseases in postmenopausal women.
- Entzündungen
An improved lipid profile as estimated by increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was established upon agrimony tea supplementation and HDL cholesterol correlated with adiponectin levels. The results presented in this first human intervention study with agrimony tea indicate that the plant has potential in improving markers of lipid metabolism, oxidative status and inflammation in healthy adults.
Our results showed that AP attenuated the activation of macrophages, basophils, and inhibited the OVA-induced airway inflammation. The molecular mechanisms leading to AP’s potent anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects might be through regulation of TRIF-dependent and Syk-PLCγ/AKT signaling pathways, suggesting that AP may provide a valuable therapeutic strategy in treating various inflammatory diseases including asthma.
- Hyperlipidämie
An improved lipid profile as estimated by increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was established upon agrimony tea supplementation and HDL cholesterol correlated with adiponectin levels. The results presented in this first human intervention study with agrimony tea indicate that the plant has potential in improving markers of lipid metabolism, oxidative status and inflammation in healthy adults.
- Adipositas
Our data suggest that HOA isolated from Agrimonia pilosa inhibits adipocyte differentiation through downregulation of various adipocytokines by blocking PPARγ and C/EBPα expression.
- Allergien
Our results showed that AP attenuated the activation of macrophages, basophils, and inhibited the OVA-induced airway inflammation. The molecular mechanisms leading to AP’s potent anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects might be through regulation of TRIF-dependent and Syk-PLCγ/AKT signaling pathways, suggesting that AP may provide a valuable therapeutic strategy in treating various inflammatory diseases including asthma.
- Influenza
Among them, an extract of Agrimonia pilosa was shown to be highly effective against all three subtypes of human influenza viruses including H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A subtypes and influenza B virus.
- Hepatitis B
Inhibition of HBsAg release against hepatitis B virus (HBV) was investigated in an aqueous extract prepared from the aerial parts (stems and leaves) of Agrimonia eupatoria.
- Krebs
These results indicate that agrimoniin is a potent antitumor tannin and suggest that the antitumor effect may be due to this tannin enhancing the immune response of the host animals through the actions on tumor cells and some immunocytes
- Thrombosen
The water extract of Hsien-Ho-T’sao (HHT) produced a dose-dependent inhibition on collagen-induced aggregation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
HHT was found to suppress platelet aggregation markedly, but little effect on blood coagulation. In conclusion, HHT was proved to be effective in the treatment of acute pulmonary thromboembolism, and this effect was mainly due to its antiplatelet action
Ein Vergleich des Wirkspektrums von Hb. Agrimoniae, wie er sich durch die Analyse wissenschaftlicher Studien ergibt, und Benskys TCM-Pharmakopoe ergibt grosse Unterschiede:
Agrimonia erscheint laut TCM-Quellen allein als Mittel bei hitzigen Infektionskrankheiten.
Die Wirkung auf innere Krankheiten wie dem metabolischen Syndrom, Krebs oder Allergien bleibt fast ganz aussen vor.
Die 5-Elementeanalyse bildet die Energiedynamik von Hb. Agrimonia wie folgt ab:
Blau bedeutet : TCM-Quellen
Grün bedeutet: TCM-Quellen und Studien
Schwarz : Studien
Rot: Studien Hauptwirkung
Zum Verständnis der Abkürzungen des Schaubildes siehe
Struktur – und Wandlungsmodell der chinesischen Medizin