Astragalus, Rd. - Milk-Vetch Root - HUANG QIProduct no.: 457from 3.78 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Atractylodis macrocphalae, Rhz. - Largeleaf Atractylodes Rhizome - BAI ZHUProduct no.: 460from 7.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Angelica sinensis, Rd. - Chinese Angelica Root - DANG GUIProduct no.: 003from 8.40 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Achyranthis, Radix - White Oxknee Root - NIU XIProduct no.: 408from 5.20 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Alisma, Rhizoma - Water Plantain Rhizome - ZE XIEProduct no.: 212from 3.87 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Anemarrhena, Rhizoma - Know Mother Root - ZHI MUProduct no.: 077from 2.28 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Armeniacae, Semen - Bitter Apricot Kernel - XING RENProduct no.: 290from 3.75 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Angelica dahurica, Radix - Dahurica Angelica Root - BAI ZHIProduct no.: 042from 4.00 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Atractylodes lancea, Rhz - Atractylodes Rhizome - CANG ZHUProduct no.: 310from 18.20 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Angelicae sinensis, Schweif - Chinese Angelica Root (Tail) - DANG GUI WEIProduct no.: 092from 8.70 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Asparagus, Radix - Shiny Asparagus Tuber - TIAN DONGProduct no.: 519from 5.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Amomum villosum, Fructus - Wild Cardamon Pod - SHA RENProduct no.: 1270from 7.60 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Artemisia capillaris, Herba - Downey Wormwood - YIN CHEN HAOProduct no.: 214from 3.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Allium, Bulbus - Macrostem Onion - XIE BAIProduct no.: 345from 5.00 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Arctium, Fructus - Great Burdock Fruit - NIU BANG ZIProduct no.: 053from 3.30 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Alpinia, Fructus - Black Cardamon - YI ZHI RENProduct no.: 498from 5.20 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Agastache, Herba - Patschuli Herb - HUO XIANGProduct no.: 306from 3.35 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Acanthopanax, C. - Siberian Ginseng - WU JIA PIProduct no.: 235from 5.37 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Acorus, Rhizoma - Sweetflag Rhizome - SHI CHANG PUProduct no.: 594from 8.56 € / 100 g *
Delivery weight: 100 g
Adenophora, Radix - Four Leaf Lady-Bell Root - SHA SHENProduct no.: 517from 6.87 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Astragalus, Semen - Flattened Milk Vetch - SHA YUAN ZIProduct no.: 507from 13.20 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Alpinia, Rhizoma - Lesser Galangal Rhizome - GAO LIANG JIANGProduct no.: 660from 1.99 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Albizziae, Cortex - Silktree Bark - HE HUAN PIProduct no.: 584from 2.25 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Artemisia anomala, Herba - Anomalous Artemisia - LIU JI NUProduct no.: 413from 1.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Abutilon, Semen - Musk Mallow Seeds - DONG KUI ZIProduct no.: 206from 3.15 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Aster, Radix - Tatarian Aster Root - ZI WANProduct no.: 1271from 11.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Agrimonia, Herba - Furry Agrimony - XIAN HE CAOProduct no.: 357from 1.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Areca catechu, Peric. - Betel Husk - DA FU PIProduct no.: 335from 2.12 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Amomum, Fructus Tsaoko - Tsaoko Seeds - CAO GUOProduct no.: 314from 5.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Albizzia, Flos - Silktree Flowers - HE HUAN HUAProduct no.: 721from 13.57 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Amomum cardamomum, Fructus - Round Cardamon Fruit - BAI DOU KOUProduct no.: 311from 7.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Ailanthus, Cortex - Tree of Heaven Bark - CHUN PIProduct no.: 778from 2.38 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Actinolitum - Actinolite - YANG QI SHIProduct no.: 005from 1.60 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Alumen - Alum - MING FANProduct no.: 132from 1.60 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days
Delivery weight: 100 g
Ampelopsis, Rd. - Peppervine Root - BAI LIANProduct no.: 800from 3.80 € / 100 g * Delivery period: D: 1-3 - EU: 3-6 working days |
1 - 36 of 42 results |